Spring Discount



Campaign period: 30.03.2024 – 31.03.2025




This promotional campaign „SPRING DISCOUNT”, („the Promotional Campaign” or „the Campaign”) is organized by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., Romanian legal person with the headquarters in 89A Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, MIRO building, C2, 4th floor, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (“the Organizer” or “Willow”).

The Promotional Campaign is organized in accordance with the provisions of this regulation („the Regulation” or „the Official Regulation”) which is mandatory for all Participants.

The Official Regulation is drawn up and will be made public under the applicable law in Romania and it is available to any Applicant free of charge by being published on the website page of the Organizer, more specifically at www.theivy.ro/en/. Also, it can be sent to any Applicant on demand.

By participating to the Promotional Campaign, each Applicant declare that it will respect the terms and conditions of the present Official Regulation as described in its content.

The Campaign can be discontinued by the Organizer at any time during the campaign period, in the case of force majeure or of any amendments to the Regulation.

The Organizer reserves its right to amend the present Regulation and/or to modify the period of the Promotional Campaign and/or to suspend it at any given time during the Campaign period, as well as the right to end the Campaign before its term, subject to making such changes public through the web page www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount with at least 24 hours before the amendments take effect.




The Promotional Campaign will take place on Romania’s territory during the period 30.03.2024 – 30.04.2024, respecting the conditions of the present Regulation. Registrations to the Promotional Campaign will start on 30.03.2024, at 00:00:00 and will stop on 30.04.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.




Any natural person over 18 years old, and any legal person with residence in Romania that accepts the terms and conditions of the present Regulation can participate to the Promotional Campaign (hereinafter referred to as “Participants”).
With the desire of causing no prejudice to any client that wants to participate to the present Promotional Campaign, the Organizer reserves its right to perform checks with respect to compliance with the conditions of the present Regulation in what regards the participation to the Promotional Campaign.


During the Promotional Campaign period and under the conditions presented in the Regulation, the Organizer offers to the Participants that cumulatively meet the conditions detailed in the present Regulation a 10% discount of the net value of the apartment that each Participant wishes to purchase from the available stock of completed apartments in Building 2 (identified with cadastral number 282819-C1 and registered in the Land Book 282819 of Sector 1 of Bucharest and hereinafter referred to as "Building 2") part of “The Ivy” residential ensemble developed by the organizer and located in 15C Meteorologiei Alley, District 1 ,Bucharest .

The Participants to this Campaign acknowledge and expressly accept that participating to the Campaign is done voluntarily and that granting of the prizes hereunder will be done without drawing lots, exclusively to the Participants that cumulatively meet the conditions detailed in the present Regulation and according to the following steps:

  • visiting the Campaign page on the www.theivy.ro/en/ website, reading the present Regulation and accepting the conditions by ticking the box “I have read and I agree to the campaign regulation” by the Participant;
  • filling in the contact form in order to receive commercial communications and
  • signing a bilateral sales-purchase agreement with the purpose of purchasing an apartment (and, if needed, other annexes) by the Participant and the Organizer, within a maximum of 10 (ten) days from the ending date of the Campaign.

Each Participant acknowledges and accepts that at the date of this Regulation the stock of apartments subject to the campaign includes a number of 4 (four) units, and this may vary depending on the contracts concluded during the campaign.



The Promotional Campaign can be suspended or ended before the term set in Section 2 of the present Regulation in case of force majeure if its continuation would violate the legal provision or in case the Organizer find itself in the impossibility of continuing the Promotional Campaign because of reasons beyond its control. In such case, the Organizer will inform the public through the www.thevy.ro/en/ website with at least 24 hours before the effective suspension/ending or, if this is not possible, at the date of the suspension/ending of the Promotional Campaign.



The Organiser will not be held responsible for any damage suffered by the Participants as a result of or in connection with the present Campaign.


Any disputes arising between the Organizer and the Participants in the Promotional Campaign will be solved amicably, or in case such will not be possible, disputes will be settled by the competent Romanian courts.


By participating to the Promotional Campaign, the Participants consent to the use of their personal data (surname, name, address, email, phone number) to be processed by the Organizer and their partners, with the purpose of the current Campaign’s deployment.

By participating to the present Campaign, the Participants confirm they are aware of the Official Regulation and consents to it, as well as to the use of their personal data, in compliance with the provisions of this agreement and the provisions of Law no. 677/2011, regarding the processing of personal data and free circulation of such data, with the purpose of the current Campaign’s deployment, as well as with statistical purposes.

The Organizer pledges to respect the rights of the Participants required by applicable law. The data provided will not be shared with third parties, with exception of the cases where the Organizes has to comply with the obligations imposed by law.

The participants to the Campaign, as data subjects, have, in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament, applicable in Romania starting with May 25 2018, the following rights: the right to be informed about the data, access to data, rectifying the data, erasing the data, the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, withdrawing the consent to the processing of data, to oppose the processing of data, the right to data portability, the right to appeal to the competent court and to the supervisory authority in accordance with the legal provisions in force for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of such data.

For exercising these rights, the Participants will address to the Organizer at 89A Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, MIRO building, C2, 4th floor, District 1, Bucharest, a written request, dated and signed or an email to [email protected].


Any amendment of the present Regulation is valid only with the condition of informing the public by publishing the amendments of the www.theivy.ro/en/ website.



By Didier Balcaen
General Manager



Addendum 1

to the Official Regulation of the SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.04.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room 2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).

(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)


  • (A) Willow is organizing “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 30.04.2024;
  • (B) https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage at least 24 hours before entry into force;
  • (C) Willow would like to amend the Regulation by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;

CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:

  • 1. Extending the Campaign period
    • 1.1 This Addendum is part of the Regulation.
    • 1.2 All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.

Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 30.05.2024.

Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 30.05.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.

Other clauses

1.1 This Addendum is part of the Regulation.

1.2 All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.

This Addendum was signed today 29.04.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.


By Didier Balcaen
General Manager




Addendum 2

to the Official Regulation of the SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.04.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room 2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).

(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)


(A) Willow is organizing “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 31.05.2024;

(B) The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ at least 24 hours before entry into force;

(C) Willow would like to amend the Regulation by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;

CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:

1. Extending the Campaign period

Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 31.07.2024.

Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 31.07.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.

Other clauses

1.1 This Addendum is part of the Regulation.

1.2 All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.

This Addendum was signed today 30.05.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.



By Didier Balcaen

General Manager



Addendum 3

to the Official Regulation of the

SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.07.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room 2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).

(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)


(A) Willow is organizing “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 31.07.2024;

(B) The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ at least 24 hours before entry into force;

(C) Willow would like to amend the Regulation by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;

CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:

1. Extending the Campaign period

Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 31.08.2024.

Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 31.08.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.

Other clauses

1.1 This Addendum is part of the Regulation.

1.2 All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.

This Addendum was signed today 30.07.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.




By Didier Balcaen

General Manager





Addendum 4

to the Official Regulation of the

SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.07.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room 2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).

(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)


(A) Willow is organizing “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 31.08.2024;

(B) The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ at least 24 hours before entry into force;

(C) Willow would like to amend the Regulation by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;

CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:

1. Extending the Campaign period

Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 31.10.2024.

Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 31.10.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.

Other clauses

1.1 This Addendum is part of the Regulation.

1.2 All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.

This Addendum was signed today 30.08.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.




By Didier Balcaen

General Manager





Addendum 5

to the

Official Regulation of the SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.10.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room  2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).
(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)
(A)    Willow is organizing the “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 31.08.2024;
(B)    The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ at least 24 hours before entry into force;
(C)    Willow would like to amend the Regulation by changing the name of the Campaign and also by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;
CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:
1.    Changing the name of the Campaign. Extending the Campaign period
Willow hereby decides to change the name of the Promotional Campaign, from “SPRING DISCOUNT” to “WINTER DISCOUNT”.
Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 31.12.2024.
Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 31.12.2024, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.
Other clauses
1.1    This Addendum is part of the Regulation.
1.2    All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.  
This Addendum was signed today 31.10.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.


By Didier Balcaen
General Manager




Addendum 6

to the

Official Regulation of the SPRING DISCOUNT Promotional Campaign

This addendum (the „Addendum”) to the Official Regulation of the “SPRING DISCOUNT” Promotional Campaign („the Regulation”) has been signed today, 30.12.2024 (the „Signing Date”) by WILLOW RESIDENTIAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal person with headquarters at 89A București-Ploiești, MIRO, C2, 4th floor, room 2, District 1, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/472/16.01.2018, tax identification no. 38693869, fiscal attribute RO, represented by Mr. Didier Balcaen, as General Manager (the “Organizer” or “Willow”).
(All terms written in capital letters in this Addendum, which are not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulation, as such is amended hereby)
(A)    Willow is organizing the “SPRING DISCOUNT” promotional campaign during the period 30.03.2024 – 31.12.2024;
(B)    The Organizer reserved its right to amend the Regulation during the period of the campaign by signing an Addendum to the Regulation, subject to the amendments and/or the additions being made public through the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/ at least 24 hours before entry into force;
(C)    Willow would like to amend the Regulation by changing the name of the Campaign and also by extending the Campaign period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Addendum;
CONSEQUENTLY, considering above, the Organizer has decided to sign this Addendum under the following terms and conditions:
1.    Changing the name of the Campaign. Extending the Campaign period
Willow hereby decides to change the name of the Promotional Campaign, from “SPRING DISCOUNT” to “WINTER DISCOUNT”.
Willow hereby decides to extend the Promotional Campaign period until 31.03.2025.
Therefore, the registrations to the Promotional Campaign will cease on 31.03.2025, 23:59:59 (included). Any person that is using the services described below following the end date will not be taken into consideration for the purposes herein.
Other clauses
1.1    This Addendum is part of the Regulation.
1.2    All the other clauses of the Regulation remain unchanged, except for those expressly amended under this Addendum.
This Addendum was signed today 30.12.2024 and will come into effect upon expiry of 24 hours from its publication on the webpage https://www.theivy.ro/en/springdiscount/.

By Didier Balcaen
General Manager


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